Browse through our extensive listings of premier residential real estate properties in Phnom Penh, Siem Reapand throughout Cambodia, including apartments and flats,hotel/boutique/resort,building/business land house and villa, shophouse/restaurant,warehouse/factory,business for sale and lands.
Whether you are looking for a residential property for rent, for sale, or for investment opportunities, you will find a suitable property handpicked for you. Cannot find what you’re looking for? Chat with us below or contact with one of our agents!
Our next business decision focuses on entering the real estate market by developing affordable housing projects for first-time buyers. This decision aligns with the increasing demand for budget-friendly homes in urban areas. We aim to acquire strategically located land, secure necessary permits, and partner with experienced contractors to deliver high-quality units.The project will be marketed through digital platforms to reach a broader audience, ensuring competitive pricing and attractive financing options. Our goal is to complete the development within 18 months and achieve a strong ROI while addressing a critical market need."